Dear Fans,
Thank you so much for all of your cards and letters concerning my death of an alleged drug over dose. While it is true that I was using massive amounts of heroin and other illicit substances, my cause of death is due to one person and one person only, Mrs. Beasley, my long time companion, pimp and lover. Many of you are not aware of the circumstances surrounding my death and I would like to take this opportunity to set the record straight.
Beasley and I go way back. She was my best friend and confidant after my parents died and My brother Jody and sister, Sissy were sent to live with our uncle Bill in New York City. Having only known the small town of Terra Haute, Indiana, the city was an ominous an scary place to a small girl. Mrs. Beasley was always there with a kind word and gentle hand and our love for one another was a bond that would one day become my spiral downward and eventual death. With each episodic-like life experience, we started drifting into a sick world of control, abandonment, lost spectacles, and jealous rages.
My life took a change when our uncle Bill, married a woman and we were cancelled. What you don't know is what happened to us when the production crews left and the lights went out on our artificial penthouse on Park Avenue. Sissy went off to college in California, and Jody became a Mormon clothing designer. I was left to my own devices and, with the help of Mrs. Beasley, got a small apartment in Hell's Kitchen and did occasional work in commercials. It was Beasley who had the idea of me doing," guest appearances" at bachelor parties and strip clubs. It wasn't long until I was selling myself on the street. My nickname was BJ Buffy and I became quite popular with the fetish set, charging $300 just to say," Give it to me hard, Uncle Beeeeeuull!". Beasley hooked me up with the johns and took on others to work for her. Chatty Cathy had the west coast operation and Kitty KarryAll was in charge of drug distribution on the east coast. Eventually, in order to control her girls we were all introduced to heroin and that was the beginning of the end for me. I became just another hooker with a habit on the streets of Hell's Kitchen until I decided to numb myself for one final time.
So yes, I did die from a drug over dose, but I wanted you, my fans to understand that it was partially due ti the manipulations of Beasley the Beast. I've heard that she's still out there on EBay trying to get into the arms of collectors. Beware! Once she gets in, her charm and power starts to infiltrate into your household and before you know it your 8 year old daughter is selling more than cookies outside your neighborhood grocery store.
Take care and once again, Thank You, Buffy.
We all start somewhere.......
Oh Bill, how I love reading your blog! THanks again!
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