"Please stop callin here. I told you the last time you called that there aint no Virgil Horner here. No, this is Trina. You don't need to know ma last name......is this Pete? Is this Pete Framstich? I sware ta God if this is Pete I'm comin over to that garage and kick your sorry ass you stup.......what? Pretty voice? Well aint you the smooth talker...Pete I'ma warnin you if you are doin this...who put you up to this? Who is this? Oh, I'm sorry ma'am I thought you was a guy. I'm sure it does...look who is this Virgil person you're lookin for? Your husband? Hold on. ANY OF YA"LLS SORRY ASSES VIRGIL HORNER? No HORNER! Jesus Christ Roy you ain't no Virgil Horner. Virgil Hornyyyy maybe. Ma'am? No I swear ther ain't no Virgil here. What does he look like?.........uh huh.................uh huh.....well, I'll tell ya, we got a lot a guys that look like Bob Barker with a hare lip that drink in here. Well how short is he?......Well that would be a midget and I would know a midget if I saw one...hold on.. HEY YOU! MR. GIN AN TONIC.....WOULD YOU STAND UP FOR A SECOND? Well ......no ma'am, aint no midgets here. Darlin, give me your number and if I see a hare lip midget runnin round here, I'll give ya a call. It's no trouble at all. I'm sure Mr. Virgil Horner is at choir practice like he said he was. Alright Ms. Horner....and sorry bout the guy voice thing. OK, ba ba.....................I swear to God Virgil if your wife calls here one more time lookin for you, I'm gonna tell her the truth. I will damn it, I'm sick of it!.......Because a wife has got a right to know that her husband is paradin around town in women's clothes and callin himself Carlene. Well good lord everybody knows it's you. Well for one thing you look like a midget version of Bob Barker with a hare lip wearin a cheap dress from Dress Barn. Well I'm sorry but aint nobody in Johnson City that don't know it's you but that dim witted wife a yours. .......and for God's sake would you please stop usein the ladies toilet. The last time you came outa there it smelled like some mexican took a shit on the floor. Well alright then."
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